Why Should You Get a Furnace Tune-Up

The kids are back in school, football season has started, and everyone is ready for pumpkin spice and hoodies. Yes, fall is on its way, and that means that the furnace will be kicking on in about a month. Every year, furnaces break down all over central Illinois at the least opportune time. However, one can avoid untimely repairs in the cold months by investing in a furnace tune-up BEFORE it gets cold. So why should you get a tune-up? Well, there are five valid reasons why you should get an inspection before the end of September.
5 Reasons to Get a Furnace Tune-up
1. Furnace tune-ups check for leaks, corrosion, air filters, and burner efficiency in your system.
If your system is leaking, corroded, or dirty, you’re probably losing a lot of money due to a lack of efficiency. If your unit is dirty, you’re also blowing nasty air into your house, which can make you and your family sick.
2. You’ll avoid the untimely breakdown on those cold days when your furnace is running at full tilt.
By checking for corrosion, a technician can tell you if you need to replace any parts inside your furnace before it’s too late. What you spend on a tune-up, you’ll save in the convenience of your unit not breaking when it’s below freezing outside. You’ll also save money, and give yourself peace of mind as well, if you have an older furnace that might be on its last leg.
3. Energy efficiency benefits are another way a tune-up will save you money in the long run.
The average household spends 54% of its energy costs on heating and cooling every year. If your furnace isn’t running at its full potential, you might as well throw money down the drain. A furnace tune-up looks for any breach in efficiency in your unit, like leaks. If you’re looking for a proactive way to save money this year, a tune-up is a very good way to do that.
4. Warranties on furnaces may also be void if you don’t get an annual tune-up by a professional.
We applaud all the DIYers out there, but there are some things that are better left to a technician. There are necessary safety precautions that need to be taken when working around HVAC equipment. A skilled technician will also be able to identify problems with relative ease, saving you the headache of diagnosing an issue. We recommend acquiring a list of the services offered in tune-ups from a few different HVAC companies and choosing the one you like best.
5. Family safety is also a huge concern when a furnace isn’t running properly.
Carbon monoxide poisoning can result from poor or damaged ventilation, or a burner not working correctly. So make sure your technician performs all the necessary inspections for a CO hazard.
An annual furnace tune-up can save you money in the long run. You can avoid those untimely breakdowns, keep your family safe, and not have to worry about your warranty being void. Having a skilled professional technician who performs all the necessary analyses will be a huge benefit to you and your family. Talk to an HVAC technician to ensure that you won’t be stuck with a busted furnace this winter. If you don’t have an HVAC technician, give AirAce Heating & Cooling a call at 309-678-9577. We’ll be happy to schedule an annual fall tune up for you.