Why Consider an Annual Furnace Tune-Up

WhyConsideranAnnualFallTune Up

During this time of year, many homeowners begin asking themselves whether they need to schedule an annual furnace tune-up. Most furnace manufacturers recommend annual maintenance and inspections, and for good reason. An annual furnace tune-up will give our technicians a chance to inspect your furnace and make sure all the components, like the burners and flame sensors, are in proper working order. You should schedule your annual furnace tune-up in the fall to ensure your furnace is in good working order before the cold winter weather hits.

Our annual furnace tune-up typically includes:

  1. a check of the thermostat settings
  2. inspecting the electrical connections to your system
  3. testing the voltage on your system’s components
  4. lubricating all moving parts
  5. ensuring proper drainage
  6. checking the start-up and shutdown controls
  7. checking the the air filter

Here is why an annual furnace tune-up is important:

Reduce Your Energy Bill

Winters in central Illinois can be brutal, which means your furnace will be working overtime throughout the season to keep your home warm and comfortable. Your furnace can make up nearly half of your energy bill during the cold winter months but having an annual tune-up can drastically reduce these costs. A well-tuned furnace runs much more efficiently, meaning it will use less energy. And if you combine an annual tune-up with regular filter changes and a programmable thermostat, you’re well on your way to saving a lot of money on your energy bill this winter.

Keep Your Family Safe

An annual furnace tune-up can help prevent dangerous gas leaks, which could cause serious harm to your family. Since your furnace produces heat by burning fuel, it needs to be checked regularly to ensure the combustion process is running efficiently. An unchecked furnace could result in carbon monoxide leaks, which can cause headaches, nausea, and even death in serious cases.

Extend Your Furnace’s Life

Whether your furnace is brand new or a few years old, it can always benefit from preventative maintenance to extend its life. In addition to cleaning and inspecting your furnace, our annual tune-up also includes inspection of the furnace to make sure each part is working properly. Like any other machine, there are parts of a furnace that are prone to breaking, but if these parts are properly maintained, we can make sure your furnace stays in working order for as long as possible.

Avoid a Breakdown

Scheduling an annual furnace tune-up could ensure that you won’t need to call us for more extensive repairs down the road. An annual check-up will help us uncover any foreseeable issues that could cause problems in the future. It can also reduce the likelihood of a breakdown during the winter, which could leave your family in the cold.

Are you ready to schedule your fall tune-up? Give us a call or book online today!

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